Joseph Prince 平约瑟 Videos


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#375 - [235 - 保护的应许-来自诗篇91篇的真理]
#375 - [235 - 保护的应许-来自诗篇91篇的真理] Image

The Promise Of Protection—Truths From Psalm 91

Danger, trouble, and evil may pervade the world, but as God’s child, total round-the-clock protection is available to you!

Find out how you and your loved ones can enjoy 24/7 protection from terror, viruses, and any kind of evil seen or unseen as Joseph Prince expounds on the all-comprehensive psalm of protection, Psalm 91.

See how you have access to the secret place of the Most High where nothing nasty can even come near you.

Come under the wings of the Almighty, enjoy the refuge provided by our covenant-keeping God, and live life divinely protected, positioned, and free from all fears!